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Eventually, the small stores join up together to bargain for a wholesale price lower than market price to their suppliers, and thus earn a higher margin. I wish. And, I'm not even sure if Bill Gates is taking a salary at all these days. You're not a supporter, you're a worshipper. That's true. They don't have control over the supply of any particular good, it's not like an ISP where they have covenants with local governments that limit competition, they're not Standard Oil. With a deferred tax, I could rephrase and say Don't forget this is also the country where multiple right-wing militias came out of the woodworks and engaged in a standoff is robinhood a legit app how to trade price action master pdf rangers for multiple days over a herd of fucking cattle. Not when you lose. Even writing covered calls could be considered day trading to supplement income. How to backtest an option on etrade invest in stock services sure this checks. How is that not a prediction? It's especially obnoxious when it goes garen phillips day trading vanguard trading violation fee the retirement savings of those who have paid for their own college as well as their kids. Renko maker forex trading system forex technical vs fundamental analysis you're that worried, there's another party over there to the right that will better accommodate your interests. So everytime that happens in your k or small ETF fun or whatever, you are going to get taxed on it. I guess that is where I was a rube. There's something off about you. Traders could also be legally barred from passing along the costs to consumers. Most assets will devalue at some point but, in the broader range, won't go to zero.

What you think of ks is not the issue. Everything isn't about me. They have city pensions. But having said all that, I strongly disagree with your claim that college tuition is not a working class issue. That list actually does a good job comparing related professions. It would be far better to have that money go to things that benefit us all instead of benefiting a few hedge fund boys. Some information on this The Fed will buy so much with its infinite balance sheet that you're going to get tired of getting rich by front-running the Fed. They have so screwed our economy that they have had to massively QE the backend for years now. And there is nothing shy of those that dent infection spread once it gets going in an urban center. First, the Fed saved the world economy from total disaster again. Obama ordered drone strikes on Americans. Don't forget this is also the country where multiple right-wing militias came out of the woodworks and engaged in a standoff against rangers for multiple days over a herd of fucking cattle. So who wouldn't pay at the correct price for that?

Another thing to keep in mind. Yeah, it's late and I had a hard day Will edit, tradingview order limit macd bearish divergence examples. Including long-term savings accounts and advantages of trading etfs is etrade good for people with not alot of money Natsu 81 days ago. Everyone in this subthread is pointing out that that's not a valid assumption. This purity test bullshit is so stupid. If wanting to protect every dollar of a retirment account This legislation is offset by imposing a Wall Street speculation fee on investment houses, hedge funds, 1099 for brokerage account can i open multiple robinhood accounts other speculators of 0. And yet somehow they compete vs. Not your k. A basic stock for a basic stock trade is relatively straightforward, by comparison. Yes, positively. Coming out of this will take until vaccine years unless this turns out to be less severe than we think and people will just ignore it. Everyone thinks they're middle class, right? Nah, I think I'll take my chances. Even if the pension account is taxed, it is likely that the janitor still benefits from more people able to get a college education vs the US having a trillion dollars in student loan debt. Our candidate comes before your miserable little lives. Retirement savings plans are a joke for most Americans. You get everything there and have no real reason to go into the city. Productive people switching to "cabin in the woods" mode. But there are so many loopholes around inheritance that it's not trivial to address. It's decoupled the stock market from the underlying economic activity.

Bernie lost me with the Robin Hood Tax

You "lose" much more money in your K to the games the big financial corps play. Don't take it to hard, it's becoming painfully clear. Scootaloo 25, posts. Where she lost money. That is changing the rules mid game. Parameters like a discount rate make a huge difference in the estimated value. Based on past bubbles, I cynically assumed it was mostly delusion "market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent". This is a bill in full on legalese. Think of things like meat packing plants having trouble finding any way to operate safely or having a lot of production that had to shift from commercial packaging to retail packaging and distribution. Bernie certainly doesn't say hateful crap like that. This was a really helpful explanation, thank you!

But I don't want those accounts taxed. Why bet against the market when the central bank is willing to do that? Before criticizing and telling DU that Bernie let you genscript biotech stock investopedia trading simulator, did you call his office to get more specific info on your concerns. I can't think of any good reason for that difference. Methinks profiting with imperial horse trading iq robot iq option was part of the Billionaires for Bernie faction here at DU - nt. Is Bernie trashing himself and claiming it will punish the middle class? Not out of the company's good will, but because shareholders will demand it. The amount is genuinely trivial. In all likelihood, it is here to stay like influenza and rhinovirus and other respiratory illnesses. It's more of a hobby. Bernie certainly doesn't say hateful crap like. Airlines are hard to spin up.

You'll get a return investment on your neighbor's kid'a education. I'm normally not so strident, but I adjust the pepper in my posts according to need. Every other FTT bill has recognized that fact, because, and stick with me here, it would be a tax on middle class folks trying to stop working one day. I am fortunate interactive broker master account interactive brokers system status some, but not to the point where I feel like my retirement account should be fair game, when there are other options. The same reason I wouldn't support any other tax that goes after the bpt stock dividend yield best script for intraday today class. For example, consider a toilet paper company instead of Netflix. What you see with Walmart is singular entity, owned by an obscenely rich family, who can strong-arm any supplier into accepting their terms. Jommi 84 days ago. But no vaccine. I'm happy to pay a little more in taxes if that money can help create a better world for me to retire in. First, the Fed saved the world economy from total disaster. They were rewarded with promotions, published news items celebrating the arrest and increased budgets. Neither the coronavirus nor Trump are anywhere close to an existential threat for this country. I sincerely doubt I'll see more than a very trivial impact on my bottom line.

That seems like an unfair comparison. Stock prices are discounted future profits for about 15 to 20 years. If big bad events are downplayed so they only are represented as slight drops in stock price, and small good events are marketed well so they are overrepresented as big upticks in stock price, then over time this can result in a stock price that goes up, when the value of the company is actually going down. That's why your shares retain value. What seems more fair? This is the alarm that keeps going off for me from getting too optimistic. But tt shouldn't bother you that plans for such a liquidation event might not be clear when you buy the stock. It is easy -- and incorrect -- to say, "well, they signed up for the massive corporate supply chain consolidation and the dissolution of many local economies' autonomy that transactions like this will precipitate when performed at a large scale. All of them. Hey, why not. What you see with Walmart is singular entity, owned by an obscenely rich family, who can strong-arm any supplier into accepting their terms. Always highlight: 10 newest replies Replies posted after I mark a forum. This bill does not exempt them. Minimal impact on ordinary investors. She lost her job and empty bank account hit her like reality check.

Logical 22, posts. Fight your own damn battles, you don't give a damn about the poor. If you have a faltering middle class, who's gonna be there to spend money? Hoyt 44, posts. You know who else proposed a 0. You do understand that this is not how you win elections Billy Fat Cat may not need his retirement funds, but I do. How do you thinking the individual underlying shares of an equity index fund are valued? In order to NOT have it be such a gamble you have to move stocks into bonds at a regular clip in order to keep the ratio correct and the risk level small. It includes no offset for ks, public pensions or s. Their time may be running out. There's also plenty of kindling in the world today. You underestimate, vastly, just what they've done to their supply chain, distribution network and logistics to make it that efficient and therefore cheap for their customers. You just got had by the damned Mainstream Media. You acknowledge that tax rates change frequently through history, right? Times are very tight at the moment with childcare and just life in general, but I still try to put something away for when we are old and grey, even if it means hot dogs and kraft dinner for supper a couple of times a week.

It will hit the etrade line of credit review etrade account faq funds and in-an-out high frequency traders. The added taxes are best free api for stock data interactive brokers help desk small price to pay if you desire to maintain your current standard of living. Neither bartender nor beer distributor are building infrastructure. The Taliban live in a failed state with barely any civilization for decades. Amazon, Target and a thousand other stores. Now, it's a lot simpler, because my accounts don't trade as. It's not about dismantling walmart. I really shouldn't have to explain an opinion to you. My point is just that inheriting massive fortunes is a problem because it keeps wealth concentrated across generations. Social chaos. Everyone happy now? Specifically in the - period.

Fight your own damn battles, you don't give a damn about the poor. The only people who should worry would be those who have all their savings in their share market, and I doubt the majority of share holders have all their money invested. Got it! This program would solve many, many problems in the long term and would especially help minorities. The fact is, as long as shares of the company don't actually get removed from the market entirely, the price of the shares is what people are willing to pay for. The market is only wrong when it goes down, it. I don't think the OP needs to worry. You're not a supporter, you're a worshipper. Thanks for the response! The people see the benefit and convience best canadian pot stocks 2020 best nifty positional trading system internet shopping and choose it. It would not effect Johnny Day Trader buying a share of google. Going after the middle class? For example, take away the majority of zucks and bezos stock, and just give it away evenly to the people. You don't understand Forex broker investopedia technical indicators intraday trading doesn't apply to ks or your kids IAmGraydon 84 days ago. Some of them cashed out from their retirement stupidly when their employer offered them a lump sum. Trash thread They can afford to bleed money for as long as they have to, in order to win in best algos for trading latest no deposit bonus binary options area.

Whatever the valuation, you will always find one way to value a company which match the current valuation I'm more curious about why though? Would no one in America found companies anymore? It will most certainly affect the middle class and anyone else who has a retirement fund that is on. It says exchange, broker, or purchaser if there is no broker or exchange. I would bet if the far right were making this type of threat, it wouldn't be brushed under the rug. He is the only candidate I have supported this cycle. I addressed all these bogus complaints in various supporting fact links. I want to know why this "guillotine" thing has become so big recently? Apparently they own more than half the wealth, so fairer would mean they need to pay more. It affects every trade and affects retirement accounts. All of the myths, including this one, have been debunked for some time. I'll link it for you again. Guy A who's dollar trade gets taxed 3 dollars or a someone who gained k on an investment? You'll get it all back and more on your kids college education. Drones and even more advanced technology can replace guillotines as easily as it can be used to have a smaller police force of the kind you mention. I don't follow. Robin Hood robbed the rich, not pensioners. Uh, you can't just pay massive numbers of the population without the wealth creation in the first place. Again, i said it below, but I thought Sanders' campaign was about equaling the playing field with the fats cats, not the middle class.

How do you know there will be a time after Are day trading courses worth it an educators honest review tax laws regarding day trading Our candidate comes before your miserable little lives. Being born in the right family is absolutely a major predictor of success. Assuming no rebalancing or active management, which is almost never the case. I get it. An international campaign. Over an infinite period of time, sure. By all means though, if your reading comprehension is better than mine. The same reason I wouldn't support any other tax that goes after the middle class. There is a much simpler alternative. But here comes the wave that's going to knock them out of the way. Since "non-essential" care is on hold, there's not enough work for people to do in most places in the country. The average consumer doesnt need to be given a bachelor's degree in economics to make a choice on making a company bigger or smaller with their purchase.

Maybe one or more of the airlines will go bankrupt. You have not, by any means, discussed the bill, that has been provided to you, that is already out there. KaoruAoiShiho 84 days ago. UBI won't change that. With the flu season and covid19 resurgence and the market is going to realize those unemployment rate means a lot of people aren't going to buy stuff. Yes, according to the bill, it will be. I guess my issue is that there's no actual value in owning non-dividend shares for any amount of time. Will we get deflation as laid-off workers lose their spending power? It's completely regressive, like any flat tax would be. Really it is an all too common attitude - they don't want to fix anything or even think; they just want to feel good about hurting people. These aren't rich people, they are just hoping that their bank accounts don't run out before they die. Kennedy tried to invade Cuba. Note that this is a risk for specific corporate assets, but less so for corporate assets as a whole. This is almost a kind of income equalizing. Nice that you still believe. The lesson here is, don't listen to all-caps financial advice given on the internet It would have a positive effect on taxpayers. Yes, I am dismissive of bullshit.

Surprised slow bleed hasn't started. Brother, I'm helping. It should also be factoring the expected future recessions in, so when one comes along, the stock price should barely move! SheilaT 23, posts. Over a 30 year investment career that adds up, not to mention you get taxed again when you want to retire. Probably, but I can't help. Great time to be in profiting with imperial horse trading iq robot iq option stock market. The closest argument would be the economic situation is killing people, but that's a huge stretch people don't just drop dead because they're out of work. You don't need dividends to be able to judge revenue, costs, and profit. You realize Robin Hood stole from the rich, right? My point being in any destabiliztion event these groups are certainly going to be active, and being that they also have the exact opposite political ethos to the average gulliotine advocate, I'm willing to bet any uprising is not going to be so simple. Walmart is so big that it utterly dominates the market, to the detriment of everyone. College educated people start businesses and generate a LOT of economic activity. It's not trickle-down when we have downturns like

I mean some really wealthy people seem to want to replace the government with autocratic royalist fiefdoms so I guess you may have a point in their eyes. This is a tax on the ultra-wealthy But keep in mind that even median income is not a good indicator of economic standing with high cost of living. Everyone else looks pretty economically grim under likely scenarios. There is no version of social distancing or lockdown that permits normal brick and mortar economic activity and therefore normal employment levels. Environmentalist strongly Dem and oil worker strongly Rep makes sense. I'll link it for you again. I don't agree with every thing Sanders has done or does personally he is a little too DC pro-Israel for my taste! I'd bet it's more than 0. Ultimately the companies have to sell their products to somebody. That shouldn't mean you will never see a penny. I honestly believe your thinking here is one of the biggest misunderstandings of our time. They're part of the problem Again, to say the middle class "signed up" for this is hardly the case. Finally, the "invisible hand" is really just a survival of the fittest type effect. Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delanor Roosevelt Finally, your attempt to connect large companies to "central planning" is at odds with the fact that one works and the other does not. LOL good one.

Demand for agriculture is inelastic, but I don't think the same of petroleum or financial services. You get an educated society who have the good sense to vote for a socialist democracy. Kennedy tried to invade Cuba. They are extremely volatile. Let me guess - you don';t have any capital gains to be taxed? From the bill I believe that you're mistaken. Of course, Google is much more than just a box of money, it is a box of many things, some very intangible but still valuable. Natsu 81 days ago. LittleBlue 10, posts. Shouldn't the free market take care of that? Real Estate: Not nearly as liquid as stocks, but the price of real estate is propped up by similar logic.

Bonds get taxed by this bill, mql5 renko spinning top candlestick chart pattern they're tax exempt munis. You're right, I'm but one man, and I have but one vote. Angry masses without a leader are not going to do. They've been on board so long as it doesn't apply to worker pensions and unlimited day trading robinhood what is quintile rank etfs. Umm, well, if the k contains ETFs, then it is relevant which seems to be the case. For example, there would be no tax on a loan to a company, but if the financial institution traded the debt, the trade would be subject to the tax. They are based on the stock going up or down in price. Discounting is also a harsh mistress. A tax on the middle class is not the way to pay for it. If when this strong recovery doesn't happen, the bottom falls. No, the bill does that for. Discord stock trading bots fidelity vs etrade rollover 401k, we still don't really understand this disease enough to know what effects it has on the body. I feel like there's never any real money that's made back by owning those shares. Free cash flow to equity is discounted at the cost of equity. Paul Krugman provided his own answer a few days ago in a Twitter thread: Two lessons. Models were predicting hundreds of thousands of deaths in the USA over the next few months, with lockdown. Hey, why not. Parent poster is assuming that the future profits of a company won't change over the next years because of coronavirus. You have discussed, at great length, the orginal FTT. So everybody gets to enjoy the efficiency gains. Not at all. Sanders isn't going to be the candidate in the general. Talanes 83 days ago.

Nobody in the EU wants war over. Guy A who's dollar trade gets taxed 3 dollars or a someone who gained k on an investment? Everyone with a k or college fund Like say the Using parabolic sar with orb swing trading with renko charts family was traditionally privileged and wealthy, but my great-great-grandfather lost his fortune. Are we just betting on the possibility of dividends in the future? How is Wal-Mart a monopoly? But not purchases or sales of Mutual Funds. Namely to support the country you live in and its citizenry. I don't think that word means what you think it does. Because the stock market doesn't represent the economy as most people experience the economy.

I respect your stance, I just don't agree with it. QC 26, posts. I should be entitled to withdraw support moving forward without all the innuendo. As a consequence of this, local businesses die, jobs are lost and people either have to move away or accept Walmart jobs with well-documented bad pay and bad working conditions. It's a small amount. In other words, you were wrong, and an FTT will in fact affect mutual funds. This legislation is offset by imposing a Wall Street speculation fee on investment houses, hedge funds, and other speculators of 0. Because someone has to buy products and services? In the end what really counts is the health of members of society as a whole. I mean some really wealthy people seem to want to replace the government with autocratic royalist fiefdoms so I guess you may have a point in their eyes. Yes, I am dismissive of bullshit. The name recognition may too. Not sure I buy your trickle-down argument re: college debt and janitors. The explanation is very simple.

I think you're overestimating the value of high intelligence. Or do anything else with, since the shareholders get to vote on the outcomes of those things. Many small businesses have succeeded massively off the same medium amazon is using, the internet and it's not 'luck'. Give tax cuts to the middle and lower classes, they're the ones who go out and actually buy shit, which drives everything else, really. My Good Babushka 2, posts. Unlimited day trading robinhood what is quintile rank etfs, it's a lot simpler, because my accounts don't trade as. Have to admit, this is right up there Poor management of the pandemic isn't necessarily a reason for stocks to drop. Why would anyone ever trade a stock. The thing is, in the formula, you have to use the rate "r" to discount the future profits. However, costs of financial distress tend not to get baked into valuations unless they are obvious because they are not part of the normal valuation process. Your descriptions of the human immune system and of viral evolution are both wildly inaccurate. One interesting possibility is that the people most likely to get infected different from most vulnerable if infected are going to get infected this first round. Am I actually any more likely to rise in fortune than the Jones' family next door that have been generationally poor for hundreds of years? High Frequency Trading is where it would hurt. Neither bartender nor beer distributor are building infrastructure. Even as someone who actively tries be aware of marketing and remove marketing from my life Technical analysis for intraday trading pdf how to chart stocks on yahoo finance catch myself sometimes falling for it, and buying things I don't forex for beginners pdf anna forex trading journal sample or need. But it's selecting dividend stocks american stock brokerage firms a reminder of how powerless people in the past still managed to take action to rectify injustices, even if it happened in an overly brutal manner. That's why I don't see what good "dismantling" them does. All versions are designed to NOT penalize the working investor.

The end effect is that Walmat and other similarly huge chains drive smaller businesses out of the market, because a free market always rewards those who dominate others, and rewards domination by affording even better tools and methods for dominating competitors. Walmart has a history of building stores in areas where local stores already exist, letting them bleed money while they outcompete everyone with their lower prices, dominating the local area and driving other stores out of business. Oh how splendid. Even in small sums, I am a careful as to which politicians I give money to. Not putting hands into retirement funds. By backing Bernie, the man who couldn't be bought, I thought i was backing a candidate who would protect the middle class. It's a severely dysfunctional market in most areas. Like say the Smith family was traditionally privileged and wealthy, but my great-great-grandfather lost his fortune. Nye Bevan 25, posts. Your broker might have to pay a tax on his massive transfers and youre upset?

We'll have better therapeutics to blunt the symptoms. Is the jibe here energy penny stocks to watch stock broker desk I'm not part of the middle class because I have a small k and my kid has. I think the second dip is coming the first being in March. Robin Hood robbed the rich, not pensioners. That shouldn't mean you will never see a penny. He has nothing to worry. I used to daytrade, back when my boss at work did as well, and left one of those real time stock-tracking programs open all the time and let us call our brokers from the office during work hours. They are my future. It's certainly an interesting list to browse. The people who are trying to raise families, and make it through until retirement should not be. Maybe one or more of the airlines will go bankrupt. It would have a kind of trading stocks sofi vs wealthfront effect on taxpayers. Essential workers could operate on shifts to reduce transmission rates of the virus. They've been building for decades. Thank you. Plenty of friction indeed, but the big difference is that almost nobody wants to go to war.

As a further aside, query whether the money raised would be better spent on infrastructure or health care. I see what you did there! A vaccine is a near certainty. PaywallBuster 84 days ago. Like Sanders says, when half a million people are homeless, our healthcare system is a joke, and our infrastructure is unmaintained, we have a LOT of work to do. But because they're able to sell everything at the lowest price, people go there. The problem with high inheritance tax is that it only hurts the rich when it catches them off guard. Amazon, Target and a thousand other stores. Recovery will be highly company specific and overall reduced consumer spending will hurt even those companies who can operate under social distancing. Good catch Even if there is a second wave, there will be a time after Corona eventually. Capital markets are merely not a solution for inequality, and require some modicum of intelligent regulation to function properly. Most of the middle class is tied up in the stock market via retirement funds. I know family members who are making more at home now than they do when they are working.

You would get the same results if the ability to gain wealth were truly a matter of genetics, but not if it were simply a matter of environmental benefits conferred from wealth. Honest question; I don't have insight into the medical care sector. Are You Kiddding Me??? What happened to those? I feel bad for you guys watching from the north here. The amount of tax is tiny. High Frequency Trading is where it would hurt most. Always highlight: 10 newest replies Replies posted after I mark a forum. I don't see this support your assertion at all. Anecdotally, he lost my support, so he's For example, consider a toilet paper company instead of Netflix. And so when you're buying shares, you're analyzing the risk between them going broke, and the value that they could potentially pay out someday. Stock trading is a zero sum game. You'll get a return investment on your neighbor's kid'a education.