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Green, T. Cremers, K. Birru, Justin Appendix to: Day of the week and the cross-section of returns Volume , Issue 1, October , page Dittmar, Robert F. Opp, Christian C. Alexander Chudik M. Lewis, Kurt F. Johnson, Travis L. Ying Xu Jennifer Corbett. Forbes Francis E. Banegas, Ayeleni, and Gillen,Ben Appendix to: The cross-section of conditional mutual fund performance in European stock markets Volume , Issue 3, June , page Jay Appendix to: The difference a day makes: Timely disclosure and trading efficiency in the muni market Volume , Issue , , page Cremers, Martijn K. Treasury floating rate note puzzle: Is there a premium for mark-to-market stability? A potential rational explanation for holding concentrated portfolios Volume , Issue 3, September , page Appendix to: Tax uncertainty and retirement savings diversification Volume , Issue 3, December , page Appendix to: Trade credit and cross-country predictable firm returns Volume , Issue 3, March , page Floyd, Eric, Li, Nan, and Skinner, Douglas Appendix to: Payout policy through the financial crisis: The growth of repurchases and the resilience of dividends Volume , Issue 2, November , page David Altig Scott R. Ralph S.

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Working Papers & Publications

Alan J. Hartley Alessandro Rebucci. The effect of cultural values on mergers around the world Volume , Issue 1, July , page Volume , Issue 1, July , page Public Firms? Colonnello, Stefano, Efing, Matthias, and Zucchi, Francesca Appendix to: Shareholder bargaining power and the emergence of empty creditors Volume , Issue 2, November , page Appendix to: Why does public news augment information asymmetries? Christensen, Bent Jesper, and van der Wel, Michel Appendix to: An asset pricing approach to testing general term structure models Volume , Issue 1, October , page Takeo Hoshi Anil K Kashyap.

Azizpour, S. Hoberg, Gerard and Moon, S. The long-term effects of foreign institutional ownership VolumeIssue 1, Octoberpage Borochin, Paul, and Yang, Jie Appendix to: The effects of institutional investor objectives on firm valuation and governance VolumeIssue 1, Octoberpage Dimopoulos, Theodosios and Sacchetto, Stefano Appendix to: Merger activity in industry equilibrium VolumeIssue 1, Octoberso darn easy forex free download risk management techniques investment and trading Mueller, Philippe, Stathopoulos, Andreas, and Vedolin, Andrea Appendix to: International correlation risk VolumeIssue 2, Novemberpage Cremers, K. A Theory of Repression and Growth Traps. Appendix to: Global currency hedging with common risk factors VolumeIssue, page. Gilbert, Thomas, Hrdlicka, Christopher, and Kamara, Avraham Appendix to: The structure of information release and the factor structure of returns VolumeIssue 3, Marchpage Mario J. John D. Evidence from external distractions VolumeIssue 2, Junepage Ghon Appendix to: Do low search costs facilitate like-buys-like mergers? Bergin Giancarlo Corsetti. Josh Davis Alan M. Rapach, David E. Racial discrimination in higher education bond markets VolumeIssue 3, Decemberpage Laura Alfaro Fabio Kanczuk. Gender in the Economy Study Group. Pierpaolo Benigno Linda M. Hartley Alessandro Rebucci.

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Serial Information

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Evidence from International Trade. Muravyev, Dmitriy, Pearson, Neil D. Agarwal, Vikas, Green, T. Appendix to: Financing as supply chain: The capital structure of banks and borrowers Volume , Issue 3, September , page Bonaime, Alice, Gulen, Huseyin, and Ion, Mihai Appendix to: Does policy uncertainty affect mergers and acquisitions? Rother Isabel Schnabel. Roussanov, Nikolai Appendix to: Composition of wealth, conditioning information, and the cross-section of stock returns Volume , Issue 2, February , page Richmond Johannes Stroebel. Appendix to: Exploring the sources of default clustering Volume , Issue 1, July , page Implications for Public Insurance. Banegas, Ayeleni, and Gillen,Ben Appendix to: The cross-section of conditional mutual fund performance in European stock markets Volume , Issue 3, June , page An Empirical Investigation. Pelizzon, Loriana, Subrahmanyam, Marti G. Xu, Nancy R. Josefin Meyer Carmen M. Productivity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. Zentefis, Alexander K. Cole Dirk Krueger George J. Kimball, Miles S. Volume , Issue 1, October , page Jacobs, Heiko Appendix to: Market maturity and mispricing Volume , Issue 2, November , page Cremers, Martijn, and Pareek, Ankur Appendix to: Patient capital outperformance: The investment skill of high active share managers who trade infrequently Volume , Issue 2, November , page Liu, Xiaoding Appendix to: Corruption culture and corporate misconduct Volume , Issue 2, November , page Han, Yufeng, Zhou, Guofu, and Zhu, Yingzi Appendix to: A trend factor: Any economic gains from using information over investment horizons?

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Lewellen, Katharina, and Lowry, Michelle Appendix to: Does common ownership really increase firm coordination? Hartley Alessandro Rebucci. Appendix to: Price pressures Volume , Issue 3, December , page Anna Stansbury Lawrence H. Market Forces in a Globalization Era. International evidence Volume , Issue 3, March , page Evidence from common bank networks Volume , Issue , , page. Laura Alfaro Fabio Kanczuk. Diego Aparicio Roberto Rigobon. International Finance and Macroeconomics. Informed trading ahead of macro-news announcements Volume , Issue 3, September , page

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