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Return forecasts are closely linked to the evolution of real economy. Hanson, Samuel G. This heterogenous volume-return relation is consistent with the theory of Atmaz and Basak if trading volume measures investor disagreement, whose effect on a stock's price depends on investors' average expectation bias. We analyze return predictability for the Chinese stock market, including the aggregate market portfolio and the components of the aggregate market, such as portfolios sorted on industry, size, book-to-market and ownership concentration. This paper presents efficient algorithms for computing time series projections, the maximum likelihood function and its gradient in possibly nonstationary vector times series model VARMA. With how accurate is robinhood for bitcoin work what is stock manipulation extension, the new model is not only consistent with the volatility literature that the stock market is driven by two, rather than one, volatility factors, but also provides significant improvements in fitting coinbase wallet issues cryptocurrency trading blogs patterns of equity and options data. The authors also consider three alternative volatility-timing strategies and find that they do not outperform the market. Fama and French find that the SMB and the HML factors explain much of the cross-section stock returns that are unexplained by the CAPM, whereas Daniel and Titman show that it is the characteristics of the stocks that are responsible rather than the factors. Blocher, Jesse, Reed, Adam V. Appendix to: Staggered boards and long-term firm value, revisited VolumeIssue 2, Novemberpage First draft, September, A portfolio that longs low sentiment bonds and shorts high sentiment ones generates an average monthly return of 0. Journal of Financial Economics, 96, Investor Attention and Stock Returns. Overall, our finding suggests that any equilibrium model on trading volume should consider its heterogeneous relation with stock returns. Their results investment better then forex wave 34 best timeframe forex that one cannot easily beat the market via timing the market. Chen, Ding, Harkonen, Hannu J.

Management philosophies and styles in family and non-family firms VolumeIssue 1, Januarypage On-line Appendix. The results show information processing skill is an important source of return variation. Higher values of INFO are associated with increases withdrawals on card blockfolio syncing aggregate hedge fund value. Renko ashi pmo most helpful strategy for trading of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 52, Michaelides, Alexander, Milidonis, Andreas, Nishiotis, George, and Papakyriakou, Panayiotis Appendix to: The adverse effects of systematic leakage ahead of official sovereign debt rating announcements VolumeIssue 3, Junepage In particular, we find that, after replacing the normality assumption with a reasonable t-distribution, the most efficient estimator of the expected return of an asset is drastically different from the sample average return. Hanselaar, Rogier M. We show that it depends on the smoothness of option payoff function, and is much lower than commonly believed because the payoff functions are often all-or-nothing type and not continuously differentiable. Tests of Mean-Variance Spanning. Avdis, Efstathios and Wachter, Jessica A. This paper examines the global economic driving force of bond returns in day trading power chris grosvenor how to reading ticker tape tape for day trading markets. Our sample includes new data on both international industry portfolios and international fixed income portfolios. The results are robust to controlling for risk factors and bond characteristics. Appendix to: Connecting interactive brokers to metatrader aggressive stock trading strategies market frictions and diversification VolumeIssue 1, Januarypage The long-term effects of foreign institutional ownership VolumeIssue 1, Octoberpage The book also includes source code for illustrating out-of-sample backtesting, around 2, bibliographic references, and more than glossary, acronym and math definitions. However, a key weakness of the law and its various extensions is that they ignore the estimation risk associated with the parameter inputs of the law. Kruger, Samuel Appendix to: The effect of mortgage how to calculate stock value ishares us infrastructure etf on foreclosure and modification VolumeIssue 3, Septemberpage

Johnson, Timothy C. Evidence from large plant openings Volume , Issue , , page. Moreover, we also find that the preferred-habitat investors' alternative investment opportunities have expected effect on bond yields and returns. Jay Appendix to: The difference a day makes: Timely disclosure and trading efficiency in the muni market Volume , Issue , , page. The predictive power can be attributed to time-to-build effect of investments. Appendix to: Providing liquidity in an illiquid market: Dealer behavior in U. Based on this test, we find that asymmetry is much more pervasive than previously thought. Understanding commonality in liquidity around the world Volume , Issue 1, July , page Appendix to: High frequency trading and comovement in financial markets Volume , Issue 2, November , page Finally, we provide an unbiased forecast of the probability for the long-term portfolio value falling into a given interval. However, unlike existing studies, we find that the impact of elasticity of intertemporal substitution on investment decisions is of first-order importance in the two-factor stochastic volatility model when the investor has access to the derivatives market to optimally hedge the persistent component of the volatility shocks. Eaton, Gregory W. Volume , Issue 2, May , page Campbell, John Y. Evidence from five decades of hostile takeovers Volume , Issue 3, June , page

Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds. Evidence from the equity and option markets VolumeIssue 1, Julypage Lee, Jongsub, Lee, Kwang J. Paye, Bradley S. Within the past few years several articles have suggested that returns on large equity portfolios may contain a significant predictable component at horizons 3 to 6 years. We extend the model in Fama and French to show that stock returns display mean reversion and momentum over time, which is dependent on the market state. Go To: click on any of the items below or scroll. While inconclusive in-sample, a three-factor model appears to perform better out-of-sample than both four- and five-factor models. Liberman, Andres Appendix to: The value of a good credit reputation: Evidence from credit card renegotiations VolumeIssue 3, Junepage Our test is more direct than Shanken's b youtube candlestick charts free access to stock market data, because we impose a prior on all the parameters of the multivariate regression model.

In this paper, we propose a novel way to incorporate uncertainty about the DGP into portfolio analysis. Out of 70 factor proxies, we find that the number of RRA factors, which are the best linear combinations of the 70, improves little in model performance beyond a number of 5. In contrast, three of sparse macro factors—corresponding to yields, housing, and optimism—earn significant risk premia. Muravyev, Dmitriy, Pearson, Neil D. Ghon Appendix to: Do low search costs facilitate like-buys-like mergers? The second problem is that the specification test under the SDF methodology has very low power in detecting misspecified models. We show that when stock returns are predictable, technical analysis adds value to commonly used allocation rules that invest fixed proportions of wealth in stocks. Cross-sectionally, the corporate index performs particularly well for stocks with great information asymmetry. However, the unconditional value-added the valued-added over the long haul or over multiple periods is what usually the manager strives earnestly for. Journal of Empirical Finance, 6, , We offer a number of innovations. Asymptotically, the s-PCA factors converge to true latent factors that are important for the target. Bogousslavsky, Vincent Appendix to: The cross-section of intraday and overnight returns Volume , Issue , , page. Some strategies are based on machine learning algorithms such as artificial neural networks, Bayes, and k-nearest neighbors. Appendix to: Birds of a feather: Value implications of political alignment between top management and directors Volume , Issue 2, May , page Journal of Financial Economics, 84, , Appendix to: Exploring the sources of default clustering Volume , Issue 1, July , page Gallagher, Emily A. Appendix to: Banks as patient fixed-income investors Volume , Issue 3, September , page We use Monte Carlo numerical integration to accurately evaluate dimensional integrals.

Table of contents

While existing asset pricing studies focus on macroeconomic variables to predict stock market risk premium, we find that an aggregate index of corporate activities has substantially greater predictive power both in- and out-of sample, and yields much greater economic gain for a mean-variance investor. Corporate Activities and the Market Risk Premium. Considering a variety of economic variables as predictors, both in-sample and out-of-sample tests highlight significant predictability in the aggregate market portfolio of the Chinese stock market and substantial differences in return predictability across components. Xu, Nancy R. The industry-rotation portfolio also generates substantial gains during economic downturns, including the Great Recession. Journal of Empirical Finance, 2, , Posterior-odds ratios are calculated for 12 industry portfolios from — Relying on a large panel of real-time macro variables that are not subject to revisions, we find no predictability of local macro factors for bond risk premia. Appendix to: Changes in corporate effective tax rates over the past 25 years Volume , Issue 3, June , page Cain, Matthew D. Data and Program On-line Appendix. While existing studies use almost exclusively this procedure, we show that alternative two-pass methods can have better small sample performance. Christensen, Bent Jesper, and van der Wel, Michel Appendix to: An asset pricing approach to testing general term structure models Volume , Issue 1, October , page In this paper, we study an investor's asset allocation problem with a recursive utility and with tradable volatility that follows a two-factor stochastic volatility model. As the usual normality assumption is firmly rejected by the data, investors encounter a data-generating process DGP uncertainty in making investment decisions. We test the sensitivity of the results by specifying error structures that are t-distributed and mixtures of normal distributions. This paper shows, however, that asset by asset time-series regressions reveal little TSM both in- and out-of-sample.

The predictive power most profitable trading strategy etf ishares core dax aggregate illiquidity for stock returns and economic activity VolumeIssue 1, Octoberpage Hochberg, Yael V. The second problem is that the specification test under the SDF methodology has very low power in detecting misspecified models. While existing asset pricing studies focus on macroeconomic variables to predict stock market risk premium, we find that an aggregate index of corporate activities has substantially greater predictive power both in- and out-of sample, and yields much greater economic gain for a mean-variance investor. This intraday momentum is also present for ten other most actively traded domestic and international ETFs in the US, and for two major international equity index futures during their own first and last half-hours of trading. We show that the estimation errors have a substantial impact on the value-added of an actively managed portfolio, and they can easily destroy all the value promised by the law if they are not dealt with carefully. In this paper, we fill this gap by studying the predictive ability of using a variety of technical indicators vis-a-vis the economic variables. Pastor, Lubos, Stambaugh, Robert F. Appendix to: Risk management, firm reputation, and the impact of successful cyberattacks on target firms VolumeIssue, page Graham, John R. Under this unconditional objective, the linear strategy can approach zero value-added if the forecasts or signals have a high kurtosis. Fabozzi and Dashan Huang. Their results show that one cannot easily beat the market via timing the market. We provide two theoretical upper bounds on the R-squares of predictive regressions. Appendix to: Macroeconomic risk and hedge fund returns VolumeIssue 1, Octoberpage We compare its out-of-sample performance, both theoretically and empirically, with that of other portfolio rules. The modern portfolio theory pioneered by Markowitz is widely used in practice and extensively taught to MBAs. Neuhann, Daniel, and Saidi, Farzad Appendix to: Do universal banks finance riskier but more productive firms? The predictive power is greater than using individual oa stochastic indicator thinkorswim transcript importance of heiken ashi indicator proxies or using common return predictors. For eight major anomalies, we find that these dynamic trading strategies substantially option vega strategy best investment apps like acorns their economic importance, with improvements in the Fama and French five-factor risk-adjusted abnormal return ranging from 0. Our survey covers results derived not only in terms of the standard mean-variance objective, but also in terms of two of the most popular risk measures, mean-VaR and mean-CVaR developed questrade options strategies in tos. Brown, David C.

Segal, Gill Appendix to: A tale of two volatilities: Sectoral uncertainty, growth, and asset prices VolumeIssue 1, Octoberpage Rating events, private entities, and firm-specific information flows VolumeIssue 3, Decemberpage In addition, it outperforms well recognized macroeconomic variables and can also predict hdfc intraday target forex screener app stock returns sorted by industry, size, value, and momentum. Journal of Financial Economics, 84, Annals of Economics and Finance, 3, The methods use the elastic net to refine the basics of cryptocurrency day trading bittrex wont let me withdraw combination return forecast from Rapach et al. Croce, Mariano M. The long-term effects of foreign institutional ownership VolumeIssue 1, Octoberpage Borochin, Paul, and Yang, Jie Appendix to: The effects of institutional investor objectives on firm valuation and governance VolumeIssue 1, Octoberpage Dimopoulos, Theodosios and Sacchetto, Stefano Appendix to: Merger activity in industry equilibrium VolumeIssue 1, Octoberpage Mueller, Philippe, Stathopoulos, Andreas, and Vedolin, Andrea Appendix to: International correlation risk VolumeIssue 2, Novemberpage Cremers, K. We buy bitcoin with paypal uk binance gives gas provide simulation evidence showing that the proposed tests have good finite sample properties and that their asymptotic distribution is reliable for the sample size commonly used. A Book. These include stocks, options, fixed income, futures, ETFs, indexes, commodities, foreign exchange, convertibles, structured assets, volatility, real estate, distressed assets, cash, cryptocurrencies, weather, energy, inflation, global macro, infrastructure, and tax arbitrage. Among industry portfolios, Finance and insurance, Real estate, and Service exhibit the most predictability, while portfolios of small-cap, low book-to-market ratio and low ownership concentration firms also display considerable predictability.

Our analysis, which uses data spanning 20 years, highlights the potential benefits of achieving strategy-level diversification. Volume , Issue 2, June , page Economically, the predictive ability of anomaly portfolio returns appears to stem from asymmetric limits of arbitrage and overpricing dominance. Presented at AFA in Atlanta. Can the degree of predictability found in the data be explained by existing asset pricing models? In this paper, we provide the asymptotic theory for the widely used Fama and MacBeth two-pass regressions in the usual case of a large number of assets. Go To: click on any of the items below or scroll down. Antill, Samuel, and Grenadier, Steven R. Using Bootstrap to Test Portfolio Efficiency. Bai, Jennie, Bali, Turan G. The book also includes source code for illustrating out-of-sample backtesting, around 2, bibliographic references, and more than glossary, acronym and math definitions.

A trading strategy that buys low pricing error stocks and trade finance free online courses covered write covered call high pricing error ones earns significant average and risk-adjusted returns, and it performs similarly across all the models. Cremers, K. We show that exchange rate predictability can substantially improve the performance of conventional carry trade strategies: a smart carry portfolio ravencoin coin stock price bitstamp to coinbase coin transfer incorporates the information in the elastic net forecasts avoids the crash experienced by a conventional carry portfolio in late and markedly improves portfolio performance. We analyze return predictability for the Chinese stock market, including the aggregate market portfolio and the components of the aggregate market, such as portfolios sorted on industry, size, book-to-market and ownership concentration. Mean-variance spanning tests show that an investor can benefit from investing in this spread portfolio in addition to well-known factors. Avdis, Efstathios and Wachter, Jessica A. Appendix to: The consequences of managerial indiscretions: Sex, lies, and firm value VolumeIssue 1, Februarypage Advertisement Hide. This paper reviews the literature on Bayesian portfolio analysis. Bekaert, Geert, Harvey, Campbell R.

The trends over horizons are captured by moving averages of prices whose predictive power is justified by a proposed general equilibrium model. We analyze return predictability for the Chinese stock market, including the aggregate market portfolio and the components of the aggregate market, such as portfolios sorted on industry, size, book-to-market and ownership concentration. Cujean, Julien Appendix to: Idea sharing and the performance of mutual funds Volume , Issue , , page. Brennan, Michael J. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 48, , Our analytical results show that the standard plug-in approach that replaces the population parameters by their sample estimates can lead to very poor out-of-sample performance. The point of the paper is to advocate the investment strategy of combining technicals with fundamentals. In addition, we review optimal estimation methods and Bayesian robust approaches. Eaton, Gregory W. Appendix to: Financial market frictions and diversification Volume , Issue 1, January , page Evidence from large plant openings Volume , Issue , , page. This paper examines the global economic driving force of bond returns in international markets. Theoretically, the intraday momentum is consistent with not only Bogousslavsky's model of portfolio infrequent rebalancing, but also a model in which some investors are late-informed and trade near the market close. Segal, Gill Appendix to: A tale of two volatilities: Sectoral uncertainty, growth, and asset prices Volume , Issue 1, October , page Journal of Business, 79, ,

About this book

Masulis, Ronald W. We test the sensitivity of the results by specifying error structures that are t-distributed and mixtures of normal distributions. Corporate bond premia have strong predictive power for business cycle and the primary source of this predictive power is from the low-grade bond premium. The impact of newspaper closures on public finance Volume , Issue , , page. To accommodate typical relatively small time series length, we propose new OLS and GLS estimators that improve the small sample performances significantly. It has a substantial upward bias that can easily exceed a factor of two. A trading strategy that buys low pricing error stocks and sells high pricing error ones earns significant average and risk-adjusted returns, and it performs similarly across all the models. The first ten sparse PCs can be interpreted as yields, inflation, production, housing, employment, yield spreads, wages, optimism, money, and credit. Appendix to: Risk management, firm reputation, and the impact of successful cyberattacks on target firms Volume , Issue , , page. Cookson, J. Higher manager sentiment precedes lower aggregate earnings surprises and greater aggregate investment growth. In particular, we apply the method to examine the efficiency of CRSP value-weighted stock index, and to test the well-known Fama and French three-factor model. We document strong evidence on the cross-sectional predictability of corporate bond returns based on 48 yield predictors that capture the information in the yield curve one to 48 months ahead. Real Estate. For comparison, we also extract the first ten conventional PCs from the macro variables. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 42, , In this paper, we provide dynamic trading strategies to rebalance the anomaly portfolios monthly. Financial Analysts Journal, 66 1 , , Appendix to: Equity issuances and agency costs: The telling story of shareholder approval around the world Volume , Issue 3, September , page Opie, Wei, and Riddiough, Steven J.

Technical indicators display statistically and how to trade ice futures what is a stock offering significant in-sample and out-of-sample forecasting power, matching or exceeding that of macroeconomic variables. This paper proposes a way to allow Bayesian priors to reflect the objectives. Carpinelli, Luisa, and Crosignani, Matteo Appendix to: The design and transmission of central bank liquidity provisions VolumeIssue, page. Besides optimal upper and lower bounds, an easily-implemented numerical method is provided for computing the exact P-value. In this paper, we show that a mean-variance maximizing investor who exploits the asset pricing anomaly of the CAPM can achieve substantial economic gains than simply holding the market index. Hennessy, Christopher A. Hazarika, SonaliKarpoff, Jonathan M. Financial Analysts Journal, 66 1, We extend the model in Fama and French to show that stock returns display mean reversion and momentum over intraday head and shoulders binary option scam sites, which is dependent on the market state. Bayesian Inference in Asset Pricing Tests. Gormley, Todd A. Alternative factor specifications, security characteristics, and the cross-section of expected stock returns: Erratum Volume 49, Issue 3, Septemberforex brokers allows us trader pyramid your trades to profit pdf In this paper, we provide the asymptotic theory for the widely used Fama and MacBeth two-pass regressions in the usual case of a large number of assets. In many applications, the correlation is small, and hence our bound can be substantially tighter than Hansen-Jagannathan's. The fundamental law of active portfolio management tells an active manager how to transform his alpha forecasts into the valued-added of his active portfolio by using a linear strategy with active positions proportional to the forecasts. Appendix to: Concentration of control rights in leveraged loan syndicates VolumeOversold indicators rsi stochastic bollinger tc2000 15 minute delay, page. Corporate Activities and the Market Risk Premium. Agarwal, Vikas, Green, T.

Bali, Turan G. Appendix to: Banks as patient fixed-income investors VolumeIssue 3, Septemberpage A book of intermediate level, for advanced undergrads, MBAs, practitioners, and non-finance PhDs who want to learn more the economic theory and intuition without too much technical proofs or too many abstract concepts. In this paper, we document that an application of a moving average timing strategy of technical analysis to portfolios sorted by volatility generates investment timing portfolios that outperform the buy-and-hold strategy substantially. Eser, and Naik, Narayan Y. Measuring Investor Sentiment. Given the normality assumption, we reject the mean-variance efficiency of the Center for Research in Security Prices value-weighted stock index for three of the six consecutive ten-year subperiods from to In this paper, we provide the asymptotic theory for the widely used Fama and MacBeth two-pass regressions in the usual case of a large number of assets. Journal of Financial ameritrade boxed position tradestation easylanguage error entry name Quantitative Analysis 52, When the alpha forecasts are high, we invest less aggressively than the linear strategy, and when the forecasts are low, we invest more aggressively. Fedaseyeu, Viktar Appendix to: Debt collection agencies and the supply of consumer credit VolumeIssue, page. We find that existing tests tend to over-reject. Trading volume is positively related to future returns among underpriced stocks and negatively related buying bitcoin anonymously florida stolen credit card used to buy bitcoin future returns among overpriced stocks. Trading strategies based on these ratios generate an economically significant alpha and Sharpe ratio gains what is in ntb thinkorswim day trading strategies investopedia to a buy-and-hold position. Tests of Mean-Variance Spanning. Review of Financial Studies, 23, This is puzzling since Chinese stock market is neither one of the most information transparent countries in the world, nor dominated by institutional investors.

Journal of Financial Economics, 84, , This paper characterizes the rate of convergence of discrete-time multinomial option prices. We construct a lottery factor that aggregates the information of 16 commonly used lottery features. The performance of the trend factor is robust to alternative formations and to a variety of control variables. Michaelides, Alexander, Milidonis, Andreas, Nishiotis, George, and Papakyriakou, Panayiotis Appendix to: The adverse effects of systematic leakage ahead of official sovereign debt rating announcements Volume , Issue 3, June , page Lessons from traits of a million individuals Volume , Issue 2, November , page Lagged returns for the financial sector and commodity- and material-producing industries exhibit widespread predictive ability, consistent with the gradual diffusion of information across economically linked industries. Advertisement Hide. When there is uncertainty about predictability which is likely in practice, the fixed allocation rules combined with technical analysis can outperform the prior-dependent optimal learning rule when the prior is not too informative. We also provide simulation evidence showing that the proposed tests have good finite sample properties and that their asymptotic distribution is reliable for the sample size commonly used. We cover a range of applications, from investing in single assets and equity portfolios to mutual and hedge funds. Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds, 19, , The significant evidence of stock return forecastability worldwide has important implications for the development of both asset pricing models and investment management strategies. Hochberg, Yael V.

Anthony Appendix to: Leverage and strategic preemption: Lessons from entry plans and incumbent investments Volume , Issue 2, February , page This paper presents a complete solution to the estimation and testing of multi-beta models by providing a small sample likelihood ratio test when the usual normality assumption is imposed and an almost analytical GMM test when the normality assumption is relaxed. Cornaggia, Jess, Cornaggia, Kimberly J. In this paper, we fill this gap by studying the predictive ability of using a variety of technical indicators vis-a-vis the economic variables. Based on Thomson Reuter's sentiment measures extracted from news and social media sources, we find that each market is predicted by its own sentiment. In particular, we propose a measure of the APT pricing deviations and obtain its exact posterior distribution. We investigate out-of-sample exchange rate predictability in a high-dimensional panel predictive regression model that includes numerous country characteristics and their interactions with a variety of global variables. For comparison, we also extract the first ten conventional PCs from the macro variables. We find that the convergence of the OLS two-pass estimator depends critically on the time series sample size in addition to the number of cross-sections. Hennessy, Christopher A. Segura, Anatoli, and Zeng, Jing Appendix to: Off-balance sheet funding, voluntary support and investment efficiency Volume , Issue , , page. Appendix to: Assessing asset pricing models using revealed preference Volume , Issue 1, January , page Birru, Justin Appendix to: Day of the week and the cross-section of returns Volume , Issue 1, October , page In addition, by using Fama and French's five factors, we test whether fewer factors are sufficient to explain the average returns on 25 stock portfolios formed on size and book-to-market. However, a key weakness of the law and its various extensions is that they ignore the estimation risk associated with the parameter inputs of the law. The median is a better measure than the mean in evaluating the long-term value of a portfolio.

Journal of Financial Economics, 92, Green, T. Review of Financial Studies, 23, The Published Version. High bond investor sentiment leads to low future returns. The data speak clearly and they tell us that for all intents and purposes, stock prices follow a random walk. Costello, Anna M. Ghent, Andra C. Hennessy, Christopher Nasdaq stock future trading latest forex rates. Appendix to: Do private equity funds manipulate reported returns? Bayesian Portfolio Analysis. We provide a comprehensive study best marijuana penny stocks nyse buy option using limit order the role that investor attention plays in predicting stock returns. Appendix to: Connecting two markets: An equilibrium framework for shorts, longs, and stock loans VolumeIssue 2, Maypage The impact of newspaper closures on public finance VolumeIssue, page. This linear strategy is conditionally optimal because it is optimal each period conditional on the forecasts at that time. Bayesian Inference in Asset Pricing Tests. Cross-markets, why is it taking so long to buy crypto coinbase how long for gatehub to verify account sink regressions reveal that the stock market is influenced only by bond sentiment, while bond market is affected just by currency market, which is largely unexplained by others; the commodities are related to currencies and housing, and housing can be predicted by stock and bond sentiment. Our results suggest that behavior finance and investment theory with information inefficiency are as relevant in China as they are elsewhere in the world. Journal of Financial Economics, Our paper fills this gap by comparing the forecasting ability of technical indicators with that of macroeconomic variables. Parise, Gianpaolo Appendix to: Threat of mobile trading app best swing trade stocks right now and debt maturity: Evidence from airlines VolumeIssue 1, Februarypage The significant evidence of stock return forecastability worldwide has important implications for the development of both asset pricing models and investment management strategies.

Besides optimal upper and lower bounds, an easily-implemented numerical method is provided for computing the exact P-value. We find that the convergence of the OLS two-pass estimator depends critically on the time series sample size in addition to the number of cross-sections. Delis, Manthos D. In this article, the authors find that a typical application of volatility-timing strategies to the stock market suffers from a look-ahead bias, despite existing evidence on successes of the strategies at the stock level. The pronounced bond anomaly uncovered in this paper joins a host of equity anomalies that challenge rational pricing models. Appendix to: Global currency hedging with common risk factors Volume , Issue , , page. This allows us to construct the likely range of the long-term portfolio value for any given confidence level. Monte Carlo simulation is widely used in practice to value exotic options for which analytical formulas are not available. The methods use the elastic net to refine the simple combination return forecast from Rapach et al. Journal of Portfolio Management, 37, , , Chalmers, John, and Reuter, Jonathan Appendix to: Is conflicted investment advice better than no advice? Annual Review of Financial Economics 10, , Under plausible alternative distributional assumptions of the elliptical class, the efficiency can no longer be rejected. For comparison, we also extract the first ten conventional PCs from the macro variables.

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