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How To Build A Complete Benjamin Graham Portfolio

Frankly, the more you help — with ideas, encouragement, criticism and support — the likelier that is to occur. Baby boomers are retiring en masse. Polaris Global Value PGVFX Polaris sports one of the longer records among global stock funds, low expenses, excellent tax efficiency, dogged independence and excellent long term returns. Whereas managed futures and global macro strategies take advantage of diverging prices at a macro level U. And importantly, some rules for how to apply these factors to the market on what markets are cotton futures traded day trading using technical indicators a fair, reliable and replicable way. One of the most interesting contracts, and the one that has garnered the most attention in the wake of the merger announcement, is sugar. Accurately predicting macroeconomics it seems is very hard to. Take care and enjoy October. So far, the strategy is working wonderfully. Privacy policy. But they not only claim prescience, but a prescience that gives them confidence that certain sectors of the market such as dividend-paying stocks will remain undervalued as far ahead as the eye can see. The longer answer is hopefully more complex and covers a multitude of rationales. High quality clones, but clones nonetheless. James Tobin had a theory. Ten funds across a range of equity and stock styles. Your task? It began does a covered call have a time limit best global stock app in September as Wavecrest Partners FundLP which the guys ran alongside separate accounts for rich folks. The ratio is calculated by subtracting the average risk-free rate of return from the average return of a portfolio, and then dividing the result by the beta of the portfolio over a specified period. Rather than weighting by market cap, they use a com bination of factors such as corporate revenues, cash flows, profits, or dividends for example, the portfolio may be weighted by the dollar amount of dividends distributed by each corporation, rather than the dollar amount of start a forex fund forex trading and taxes market capitalization.

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The magic of compounding then works in their favor — by minimizing their losses in falling markets, they have little ground to make up when markets rally and so, little by little, they catch up with a pure equity portfolio. Unlike an ETF or other passive product, this is not simply a mechanical collection of options. The managers invest in a portfolio of listed and over-the-counter option spreads and short option positions that they believe structurally will generate exposure to equity markets with less volatility. Investing Essentials Turnover ratios and fund quality. Kent Baker and David M. The fund was recently recognized by Morningstar at the end of September with a 5-star overall rating. The question before us today is: which is the best? Globalization has opened markets, reduced costs, boosted corporate profits and helped raise in com es and living standards across the world. But they not only claim prescience, but a prescience that gives them confidence that certain sectors of the market such as dividend-paying stocks will remain undervalued as far ahead as the eye can see. How much of that edge would have been confiscated by their expense ratios? The best time of the year to buy stocks is right after Halloween. It will take a long time for the data to accumulate. French : To get back to distressed com panies … the typical high book-to-market com pany is distressed. The thing about Irish summers is…everything is green. My first impression — a kind of amped-up, in-your-face Mebane Faber. Still, it remains perhaps the most fundamental of fundamental factors, and that—not surprisingly—has translated into strong historical returns. While the passive versus active management argument persists, high volume approaches can realize moderate success. On one side of the intellectual aisle sat economic conceptualists like Fama and French ; on the other side were those who managed assets. Thought about in this way, the case is clearer.

The standard deviations are 0. In the extreme case of continuous rebalancing, a fixedweight index actually be com es a geometrically weighted index. Vibrant city scene. The oil, gold and silver funds will charge 50 basis points; the other funds will charge 75 basis points. As of Octoberbased on trailing five-year data, the fund had an up-market capture ratio of Well, it looks like they were wrong. Volatility, or standard deviationis a statistic that measures a security's dispersion of returns. Graham usually selected stocks unpopular with other analysts. Very wrong. MFO has tried to collect and maintain this metric for various funds on our Active Share webpage. We report each month on manager changes, primarily do gold futures trade on weekends forex live account different from actual price equity and balanced funds. The U. Excellent summary of the Benjamin Graham investment method. The correlation coefficients are statistically significant at the 0. It adds no steps to your shopping. In recent years, something new has been added to the mix. Our research suggests. In fact, he starts his presentation with an overview of Mr. Expense ratios range from 0. Those might include bank loans.

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Thank you again for your comment! Russell uses the same dividing points for capitalization across the globe, so that the criteria for a small-cap stock in Panama are the same as that used for a small-cap stock in the United Kingdom. Around the campus pond and along wooded paths, trees begin to erupt in glorious color. A high turnover rate by itself is not a reliable indicator of fund quality or performance. What happens when both assets bounce around? Of course, there will be com modity bubbles that will attract you only after they have inflated to absurd proportions. Yes, it is a different world, in terms of information flows, in terms of types of investments, in terms of derivatives, in terms of a variety of things. Making sense of Mr. French : The academics have been well aware of these issues for 15 years. I listen to the crunching of acorns underfoot and to the anxious scouring of black squirrels. The biggest factor driving the deal, curiously, has nothing to do with new markets; instead, it has to do with clearing. We are sold funds more often than we buy them. That fund launched in July Arbitrage Tactical Equity Fund will do complicated things in pursuit of capital appreciation.

Key Takeaways Turnover rate is measured by the number of securities bought in the measurement period. In conjunction with a coinexchange access denied buy bitcoin with amex gift card coinbase in investment objectives and strategies, Jordan Drachman is out, and …. Expenses are capped at a curiously high 2. Life is short. Visit us at DailyAlts. This method has the benefit of ensuring com plete coverage of the equity universe, one of the top benefits of any index investing. Therefore, fund expenses should be singularly important in explaining and predicting differences in index fund performance. Meanwhile, the chief problem with cap-weighted indexes is their tendency to overweight overvalued stocks while underweighting undervalued stocks. Take a com pany with a high expected return. But since —indeed since —there has been little to choose between the two. No investment adviser, no manager. He also showed data that productivity was likely not growing, blaming lack of capital expenditure. Enjoy the fun of gambling and the thrill of the chase, but not with your rent money and certainly not with college education funds for your children, nor with your cross level bitmex ethereum taking long to receive coinbase poloniex nest egg.

Annual Turnover

But it has also generated a backlash that may be gaining strength and could threaten the gains of the last five-to-ten years. But then we always have a glorious reign of color … followed by a glorious rain of leaves. The issue of finding the best way to create fundamentally weighted indexes is newer, but no less challenging, and bittrex api trading bot olymp trade app download for pc deserves equally close consideration. Intelligent investors should approach with extreme caution a claim that any new paradigm is here to stay. They make that money because risk is overpriced. Five years ago? Our aim is to provide our readers investment advisors, family offices, institutional investors, investment consultants and other industry professionals with a centralized source for high quality news, research and other information on one of the most dynamic and fastest growing segments of the investment industry: liquid alternative investments. Still, com pared to com peting funds available today, it represents a very good deal: almost all international real estate funds have expense ratios over 1 percent. In theory, the fund should have instaforex bonus review best canadian covered call etf alpha of 0. All returns are in dollars. For their trading merely shifts ownership from one holder to. An odd choice, given that the sub-advisors were putting up exceptionally solid numbers. But will they be as attractive the next 33 years, or when interest rates rise? Almost forgotten is that the last tightening cycle began with the funds rate at one percent, the lowest figure in a few decades. However, certain structures what stock are yielding 8 day trading finviz gapper screen mutual funds do allow for the mutual fund to indirectly purchase limited partnerships i.

Thank you, Timmy Murphy. Fama : And there are lots of active money management com panies with products that claim to implement these ideas. Short-link Link Embed. He also showed data that productivity was likely not growing, blaming lack of capital expenditure. For moderately conservative investors, these funds have not been mediocre or frustrating at all, quite the contrary. The revenue methodology had a beta of. International Opportunities is both a Great Owl and was profiled by the Observer. Keep in mind that the time period includes both a major bull market and a major bear market. The firm is entirely owned by its management which, in a singularly cool move, bought FPA from its parent company in and became independent for the first time in its 50 year history. Global Equity has been a dramatically better fund. JoI: What do you think of some of the recent product developments in the financial markets? But active managers can have bad information about the markets just as easily as good information, and they can com e out the worse for it. Neither bells nor whistles are in evidence. How Fund Managers Work Learn more about fund managers, who oversee a portfolio of mutual or hedge funds and make final decisions about how they are invested. Both are true, in a limited sort of way.

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Management fees range from nearly zero percent in the —1 standard deviation class to 0. The Christmas of the early American republic — of the half century following the Revolution — would be barely recognizable to us. Their whole Lifecycle Index lineup of target-date funds has earned Great Owl designation. Which Stocks, And Which Factors? That means the value effect is a catch-all that captures any differences in expected return—whatever their source. Again, a moderate presentation and perhaps not much new. They just want a tool for in-house use. In contrast, Canada makes up about 5 percent of the new FTSE Index: a large enough proportion to have a significant impact on performance. Currently, the profits share of U. It uses month-ending returns, so intra-day and intra-month fluctuations are not reflected, as was done in a similar chart presented in Ten Market Cycles. Large-Cap Newbie crypto charts python cryptocurrency trading Fund will seek long-term capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of large cap stocks. This broader sense of liquidity may be harder to measure since few people track delayed investments or deals lost because financing was not available. Chad Meade and Brian Schaub. Rowe Price website. This suggests that there is not a lineal relationship between one-year draw-down risk and excess returns. Israel answered it could be managed, alluding to drawdown controls, liquidity, and transparency. We are lazy, inconstant, wavering and inattentive.

But think for a moment about the message of Chapter 8: in mutual fund investing, the past is not prologue. Again, a moderate presentation and perhaps not much new here. Horn is assisted by six investment professionals. The full list is:. Mutual Funds Mutual Fund Essentials. The other iShares funds will issue no gains whatsoever. I have always been impressed by the inexorable tendency for reversion to the mean in security returns. This is something that can be done a lot more easily today, by simply investing in an index fund. We plan to do an in-depth profile of QVAL soon. This is the only approach to equity investing that can guarantee such an out com e. And we know how that came out. We succumb to the distraction that is the stock market. Updated on Friday 17th April That fear underlies our willingness to overpay for car, life, homeowners or health insurance for decades the average US house suffers one serious fire every years, does that make you want to drop your fire coverage? Through October 31, the three best performing equity market neutral funds have an average return of Dollar Index futures, as well as a small equity market lineup headlined by products tied to the Russell indexes. I suspect all one needs to do is see the significant potential for upside, as witnessed in Cycles Markowitz expanded on security selection analysis and developed evidence that constructing an entire portfolio of diversified equities gave an investor a greater margin of safety than single stock selection. You can argue about the economic contribution of these com panies, but ignoring unprofitable com panies altogether potentially excludes some of the most dynamic parts of the market. Unlike an ETF or other passive product, this is not simply a mechanical collection of options.

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Means and standard deviations for each of management fees and expense ratios are calculated for institutional-class and investor-class funds. Higher corporate margins. The core of our investment philosophy is that excessive returns are rarely realized, and therefore should be traded for the opportunity to generate more stable returns, protect against some market declines, and reduce overall portfolio volatility. The standard deviation provides an objective way to classify mutual funds. Second, it has no sector momentum option trading based on underlying equity swing trade services constraint. What is striking is their willingness to announce the trigger that will lead them to reopen the fund:. Note that the standard deviation of management fees is very large, which also reflects differences in the ways fund advisers account 13000 brokerage account etrade simplified technical analysis management fees. If you work with or for a fund company, would you let us know why? Before the nadex forum timing solution tutorial for intraday trading ofParamount operated as a domestic small- to mid-cap fund which focused on high quality stocks. Like a Walmart at dawn on Black Friday, the fund is sure is see a huge crush of anxious, half-unhinged shoppers jammed against the doors. DFA will still manage the fund. Such a portfolio will also require more effort in the selection, verification, tracking and balancing of the component stocks. Kent Baker and David M. Due to low interest rates in Japan, however, the new ETF will be a depreciating asset: it will have to sell yen to cover the basis-point annual expense ratio. Financial Analysis. Andnot unexpectedly, all five of these highcost funds are investor Inv class funds. Best crude oil intraday strategy is it safe to day trading robinhood, building an investment portfolio can be exciting, and trying out modern remedies for age-old problems lets you exercise your animal spirits.

They are, on whole, a quiet bunch. This dramatic rise in the VIX coincided with a sharp, mid-month decline in equity markets. As a result, the portfolio holds 45 shares of A and Neither fund is particularly good and they have overlapping management teams, but Select is microscopic and pretty much doomed. But any investment of this kind will still need to meet Graham's basic requirements of a Margin of Safety , as well as his definition of an investment operation as distinguished from speculation. BlackRock continues to like large cap over small cap. He created Vanguard in and had been associated with a predecessor com pany since , following his graduation from Princeton University magna cum laude in Economics. Traditional indexes are cap-weighted. Cookie policy. Stocks are plowing ahead; the Total Stock Market Index posted gains of 9. Many questioned whether Russell would be able to deliver the indexes in January, but the group got the indexes up and running in rapid fashion. And while it is relatively free of manipulation, com panies can accelerate or decelerate the recognition of revenue based on a number of factors. Where do you build from there? We never know when that reversion to the mean will com e to the various sectors of the stock market. If our recent rate of subscriber growth i. QMOM will be a pure-play, long-only, momentum-based strategy, launching middle of next year. Expenses are capped at 1. It required swallowing a massive pain pill redirecting blogs, Twitter feeds, etc.

To calculate the portfolio turnover ratio for a given fund, first determine the total amount of assets purchased or sold whichever happens to be greaterduring the year. If you decide to have a Funny Money Account, be sure to measure your returns after one year, after five years, and after ten years. Active Index Fund Definition Active index funds track an index fund with an additional layer of active manager to yield greater returns than the underlying index. Further, there are no index funds with statistically very low or extremely low expense ratios. You could have filed a two sentence SEC notice, with no mention of Mr. One reason is company margins remain high. As such, the cap market is the best Figure 4 Group proxy for buying or selling a portfolio at any given moment. On August 22,T. The com pany expects to launch its first indexes in the first quarter of Fama is also the director of research at Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc. Finally, in some spots, the momentum may even be headed the wrong way. Based on this efficient portfolio theory, an investor could own an optimal group of stocks representing the equity market, giving him an average return on all stocks. Elite signals telegram practice trading stocks tc2000 fund has performed. When asked if using LSD flirted with disaster, Mr.

So far, so predictably good. A fixed- or quasi-fixed-weight index likely outperforms a cap-weight index in a sideways market because of the monetization of variance, but a capweight index might well do better when the index has mixed trending com ponents as described above. French : To get back to distressed com panies … the typical high book-to-market com pany is distressed. First, it has produced about the same returns as its competitors. That is the nature of risk. Previously, ETFs incorporated outside the U. Such investment logic transcends fads and irrational exuberance. Commodity funds? Warm days. GDP is at the largest peak since , suggesting that the recent growth is pushing the edge a bit. The pre-autumnal weather was perfect. And yet the market trembled, so worried were we about artificially inflated equity prices.

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It makes good sense. My own experience with a somewhat similar strategy at AQR, known as Risk Parity, proved to be highly correlated and anything but transparent. He created Vanguard in and had been associated with a predecessor com pany since , following his graduation from Princeton University magna cum laude in Economics. As would the stock markets. Active vs passive is a false premise. The costs of index mutual funds with each of management fees and expense ratios in each of the decreasing cost standard deviation classes are labeled as 1 below average, and 2 low, respectively. Meade worked at Janus as an analyst and portfolio manager for Triton and Venture Enjoy the fun of gambling and the thrill of the chase, but not with your rent money and certainly not with college education funds for your children, nor with your retirement nest egg. The members of this new breed are not shy about their prescience. I will apologize in advance, for this may end up sounding like the anti-mutual fund essay. Their sole Great Owl is Target Income. By the way, the actual Pontiff seems to be doing a remarkably good job of pontificating. Bogle founded the Vanguard Index Fund, the first index mutual fund, in In the 41 years in which rates have risen, the bond index fell on only nine occasions the lower right quandrant. Other strategies that rely heavily on greater dispersion of returns, such as equity market neutral strategies, are also doing well this year. The group will charge just 1 percent in fees. Accordingly, managers Korey Bauer and Al Procaccino are replaced….

George Palmer remains on the fund. He also showed data that productivity was likely not growing, blaming lack of capital expenditure. RiverPark was formed in by former executives of Baron Asset Management. Only cynics would say. It was sufficiently cool that Amazon. The fund can invest, long or short, in almost any publicly traded security. Thanks again for your service, and I am a regular follower of your articles and website. Beyond that, one of the ways that the Observer tries to help folks is by linking day trade warrior course trading database schema to the resources they need. To order your FREE subscription, com plete and fax this form to or subscribe online at www. First, they identify and avoid losers. Over two hundred readers have signed up for a conference call mailing list. The most common answer is, very quietly, to open a mutual fund or two to serve those younger family members. In conjunction with a change in investment objectives and strategies, Jordan Drachman is out, and …. In 34 other years, rising rates were accompanied by positive returns, fed by the income payouts of the newly-issued bonds. One of the most widely used MPT statistics is the beta of a security. It is a separate fund, managed by the same guy using the same discipline. More significantly, the Fed repeatedly says it bases its policy on its inflation outlook. Similarly, equalweight equity funds including the increasingly popular Rydex equal-weight exchange-traded funds allocate equal weights to all the stocks in an index, and rebalance on a regular schedule. Why am I not finding this reassuring? French : One thing that relates to that is the growth of interest in behavioral finance. Liquidity creates an increased willingness to accept smaller risk premiums or to pay higher prices for almost any asset. Neither this, nor any of the following Rothschild prospectuses, says a single worthwhile thing about what the fund will actually be doing.

The funds will list on the NYSE, and expense ratios will range from 75 to 95 basis points. With the recent boom of interest in ethanol, this contract trading with ethereum bittrex api signing being transformed from an agricultural product into an energy product. Many questioned whether Russell would be able to deliver the indexes in January, but the group got the indexes up and running in rapid fashion. S stocks — the fund's beta is calculated relative to its benchmark index. Thus, special situations will need to be studied on a case by case basis and are not open to any general analysis. Today, nadex complaints how to create a cryptocurrency trading bot in node js asset values of the survivors remain far below their peaks. Your Privacy Rights. In practice, however, as capitalization of a particular com ponent increases, its volatility may tend to decrease, countering the loss of diversification. A fixed-weight index loses money from positive correlation for asset pairs where both weights of the pair have the same sign; for opposite-sign weights, the index would make money from positive correlation. You could have been helping journalists, long in advance, imagine positive frames for the story.

As a result, they can be used to effectively diversify portfolios away from stocks and bonds. Aristotle Credit Opportunities Fund will seek income and appreciation through an unconstrained bond portfolio. Some indexes use as few as two factors to make the distinction, while others use as many as seven. The Observer has no financial stake in any of this stuff but I like sharing word of things that strike me as really first-rate. Horizon will no longer serve as sub-adviser to the fund and Jill King will no longer be a portfolio manager. Fairpointe runs a large, very successful mid-cap fund for Aston as well. Generally speaking Mitch is excited about the opportunity for the Fund post a period of relative underperformance. Great article Serenity, by the way is there a similar study for ETF's? Investing Mutual Funds. Brian Haskin publishes and edits the DailyAlts site, which is devoted to the fastest-growing segment of the fund universe, liquid alternative investments. Alpha, on the other hand, indicates how well a security has performed against a benchmark index on a risk-adjusted basis.

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Expenses for class N shares will be 1. Home prices are pulling back after several years of large gains. Its performance is typical. Their funds are all managed by the same large team of people. Of course, there will be com modity bubbles that will attract you only after they have inflated to absurd proportions. Graham considered Special Situations theoretically a part of the program of operations of an Enterprising investor, but classified them as a business altogether different from regular investing. We report each month on manager changes, primarily at equity and balanced funds. Finally, average net assets are not statistically correlated 0. It is com puted using the appropriate formula for a daily rebalanced equal-weight index, which, crucially, does capture the volatility yield. And yet, Chip discovered, almost no one uses the feed or, in at least one case, made a simple coding mistake that made their feed ineffective. The portfolio has four complementary components whose weighting varies based on market conditions. They all share a common passion: to teach and hence to learn. The capitalization market prices assets based on the collective behavior of investors.

RiverPark Day trading vs real estate algo depth trading Alpha. Listen to your neighbors. The other iShares funds will issue no gains whatsoever. Plotted also on the first chart presented above is year average T-Bill interest rate. Their research clearly guided investors away from speculative and overpriced stocks. Shopping galore. The writing is clean, the stories are fresh and the content seems thoughtful. Does not expect US to achieve 3. Thirty four diverse funds, including many mixed-asset funds, all managed by the same team. Centre Active U. The guys invest what is price freeze in stock market are certain stocks only traded in certain exchanges cash in short-term securities which produce income for the fund. Thus, special situations will need to be studied on a case by case basis and are not open to any general analysis. Schaub and Meade managed the fund. We succumb to the distraction that is the stock market.

When asked if using LSD flirted with disaster, Mr. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, I understand that he has every right to change his mind. Where do you build from there? The strategy in question involves permitting investments in high yield munis and return on day trading bdswiss server down a year duration band. Sarofim charges 71 basis points, Dreyfus charges Just set it as a bookmark, use it as your homepage or use it as one of the opening tabs in your browser. Morningstar holds the current values close. No model works all the time; in fact, the simple equal allocation strategy has under-performed the past four years, but precisely because forces driving markets are unstable, the strategy will reward investors with satisfactory returns over the long run. One presumes that the fund is in the process of liquidating as it reaches its target date, which its assets transferring to a retirement income fund. Jonathan Sage joins in December. Given poloniex coin list buy bitcoin on gdax and store on electrum planned openings of new casinos and the expected completion of the bridge from Hong Kong to Macau, Mitch and his team believe that the current stock weakness presents an unusual opportunity for best healthcare stocks right now etrade solo 401k fees. What is obvious is that since interest rates peaked inUS aggregate bonds have been hands-down superior to US stocks for healthy, stable, risk-adjusted returns, as summarized below:. Arnott delivered the latest blow to market-cap-weighting theory inwhen he and colleagues Jason Hsu and Phil Moore reweighted a portfolio of 1, stocks according to six fundamental factors: book value, cash flow, revenues, sales, dividends and total employment.

Similarly, equalweight equity funds including the increasingly popular Rydex equal-weight exchange-traded funds allocate equal weights to all the stocks in an index, and rebalance on a regular schedule. Many are reliant on the capital markets to survive, rather than being able to fund their operations through internally-generated free cash flow. The fund has a wide range of credit oriented securities that it can use on both a long and short basis to generate absolute positive returns over full market cycles. The correlation coefficients are statistically significant at the 0. Ron Hylton Ron Hylton holds a Ph. Like a Walmart at dawn on Black Friday, the fund is sure is see a huge crush of anxious, half-unhinged shoppers jammed against the doors. The fund is tiny, mediocre and running at a loss of. It is, however, one finely attuned to the needs of really long-term investors. Listen to your neighbors. But since congress only acts in crisis, he concedes his forecast prepares for slowing US growth longer term. October 22, With indexing theory on the move again, the question is: where do we go from here? Stocks remain cheaper than bonds, because of extensive fed purchases during QE. Two notable new funds are as follows:. Figure 4 shows the performance of RWI vs. They all share a common passion: to teach and hence to learn. Why is that?

For example, scenarios where mean reversion, sector rotation or some other effect naturally lessens the disparity between winners and losers over times longer than the rebalancing interval will favor fixed-weight indexes, since those equalizing impacts will be over com pensated in yield from volatility which accrues over the rebalancing interval for underweighting the winners. A carefully structured portfolio has allowed Structural Alpha and its predecessor limited partnership to benefit from that risk aversion, and to offer several distinctive advantages to their investors. They anticipate a portfolio duration of 0 — 2 years. Discover more about risk measures here. Foreman, and his partnership Hesperus Partners, Ltd. The expense ratio was reduced at the end of , in part to accommodate the needs of institutional investors. Like the original Woot! But they also have a vested financial interest in persuading investors that if they have done well in the past they will continue to do so in the future. Which means, bond holders must take on higher risk. Several hundred people. Instead, these indexes profit from the monetization of volatility, and benefit from the ebb and flow of individual security prices. Since Mr. It is not a flashy portfolio. Annual turnover is the percentage rate at which a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund ETF replaces its investment holdings on a yearly basis. Without pernicious assumptions about expected growth, any differences in expected return will show up in ratios like book-to-market, earningsto-price, or cash flow-to-price.